English (United Kingdom)  Russian (CIS) 

«Russkaya starina» – history scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2409-2118
Publication frequency – issued 2 times a year.
Issued from 2010.

Russkaya starina

The journal’s mission is to present recent research on the history and culture of Russia. 

The priority areas for us are historical regularities and peculiarities of civilizational development of Russia as a multinational country with a dramatic and controversial history, unique historical and cultural heritage, as well as traditions and customs of its inhabitants. 

The journal’s objectives is to familiarize the specialists and all interested readers with the contemporary achievements in historical and others humanitarian sciences, developing the inter-institutional and international scientific cooperation in the framework of the research problems, improving research ethics and publication activity of young researchers.


The publication of the journal started in Sochi in 2010, with the first four years it was published twice a year. Since 2014 the journal is published quarterly by Academic Publishing House Researcher in Sochi city. From 2017 to 2020 the journal was published in Slovakia. From 2021 to the present, the journal has been published in the USA.

The Editorial Board invites historians, ethnographers, anthropologists, philologists and specialists in other humanitarian and social disciplines to collaborate. Our journal presents materials before publication for review to independent experts, not included in the staff of the journal, conducting research in such areas. Publishing a scientific article in our journal is your chance to make an invaluable contribution to the development of science.


The journal is assigned the international number ISSN 2409-2118. The journal is available on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library, is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), is indexed in the Open Academic Journals Index, Erih Plus, Sherpa Romeo. All articles are assigned DOI. The full texts of the articles are available on the web page: https://rs.cherkasgu.press. Frequency − twice a year. Articles in the 1st issue of the journal are accepted until April 25th, articles in the 2nd issue are accepted until October 25th. All articles submitted to the editorial office must be prepared in accordance with the requirements indicated below, and undergo mandatory review. The terms for submitting articles for publication can be found at: https://rs.cherkasgu.press/en/avtoram.html

This is an open access journal. The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) and article submission charges. The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright and retain publishing rights without restrictions. When using the materials in non-commercial purposes the link to the organization is required. The commercial use is prohibited. 



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Founder and Editor:  Cherkas Global University

Postal Address: 1717 N Street NW, Suite 1, Washington, District of Columbia, USA 20036


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