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«Russkaya starina» – history scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2409-2118
Publication frequency – issued 2 times a year.
Issued from 2010.

1 June 25, 2024


1. Evgeny F. Krinko
The Soviet Past in the Contemporary Historiography of Armenia

Russkaya Starina. 2024. 15(1): 4-16.
DOI: 10.13187/rs.2024.1.4CrossRef

The article was devoted to the understanding Soviet history in contemporary Armenia historiography. The main attention is paid to: 1) general assessment of the Soviet period in the history of Armenia, 2) the establishment of Soviet power, 3) the dissident movement. The main historiographical sources are generalizing and special works of Armenian historians. The author relied on the principle of historicism and a systematic approach, used methods of logical and historiographic analysis, comparative historical and problem-chronological methods. Interest in the Soviet past in modern historical science in Armenia has noticeably decreased compared to the previous stage of its development. Nevertheless, a lot of generalizing and special studies are devoted to Soviet history. Many historians of Armenia strive for an objective assessment of the Soviet period of history, taking into account both its achievements and shortcomings. The greatest condemnation is caused by the reduction of the territory of Armenia in comparison with the expectations in the Armenian society. The events of Sovietization are criticized, often assessed as a conspiracy between Soviet Russia and Kemalist Turkey. A more complete clarification of the circumstances and factors that determined the content of these processes is the introduction into scientific circulation of new documents and field research materials, the use of new approaches, scientific cooperation between Armenian and Russian historians, and researchers from other countries.

URL: https://rs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1720125303.pdf
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2. Nicholas W. Mitiukov
Identification of Vessels of the Non-Self-Propelled Fleet of A.Kh. Legach

Russkaya Starina. 2024. 15(1): 17-21.
DOI: 10.13187/rs.2024.1.17CrossRef

Currently, the New Economic Policy, pursued in the USSR in the 1920s, is considered almost as an ideal system of government. It combined elements of private initiative and strict government control. At the same time, the authors usually do not consider the process of winding down the NEP, by default assuming that it passed peacefully and without incidents. The focus of the work is one of the small episodes of this period, which became the object of legal proceedings, when the Nepman businessman engineer Legach was able to buy up a number of Baltic Fleet ships destined for liquidation for next to nothing, and on the basis of them create his own private shipping company. The literature is analyzed in order to identify the vessels acquired by Legach. The main materials of the work were a summary of the abuses of the Nepmen, published in the collection of Yu. Larin. Based on the comparative historical method, the vessels that were at the disposal of Legach with watercraft are identified, and the connection of their biography with the vessels that were part of the Baltic Fleet before the revolution is made. After determining their numbers, based on the documentation of the Russian State Archive of the Navy, confirmation of the fact of sale of these vessels to private owners is made. As a result of the identification, it turned out that all existing vessels retained their old numbers. At the same time, the former barges remained barges, and the dinghies began to be classified as scows. Of the six ships, two were relatively new, built in the early 1900s, and their decommissioning may indeed have had a corruption component.

URL: https://rs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1720125335.pdf
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3. Boris U. Serazetdinov
The Evacuation of Industrial Enterprises of the Rostov Region at the Beginning of the Great Patriotic War: the Contemporary Russian Historiography

Russkaya Starina. 2024. 15(1): 22-29.
DOI: 10.13187/rs.2024.1.22CrossRef

The article was devoted to the peculiarities of studying the evacuation of industry in the Rostov region in the initial period of the Great Patriotic War. The author notes the lack of a comprehensive general work on the evacuation of industrial enterprises of the Rostov region to the rear areas of the country. The number of evacuated industrial enterprises in the Rostov region is causing debate, since many archival documents are still classified, and quantitative data on an industry and regional basis are not clear. The basis of the article is historiographical sources: modern research by Russian authors examining various problems of the evacuation of industrial enterprises in the Rostov region in 1941-1942. The article was written using a systematic approach, a problem-chronological method, methods of updating and logical analysis.

URL: https://rs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1720125369.pdf
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4. Olga M. Morozova, Alexander A. Troyanov
Stalingrad Orphanages: Rebuilding on the Ruins, 1941–1945

Russkaya Starina. 2024. 15(1): 30-47.
DOI: 10.13187/rs.2024.1.30CrossRef

Orphanages became the main form of state care for children left without parental care in the 1920s. During the 1930s, a model of an orphanage was formed as an upbringing and educational institution and as a form of life arrangement for children taken under state protection. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, organized children’s groups were transported to the East. The Stalingrad region became one of the hosts of evacuations from the western parts of the country. For food supply of pupils in orphanages subsidiary farms were created, where plots of land and evacuated property were transferred. Children were among the inhabitants of Stalingrad, who could not leave for the left bank of the Volga. The stories of teenagers who survived in the streets of the ruined city, included in the reports of the Department of Schools and Universities of the Regional Party Committee and dated 1943, confirm the event series of memories recorded decades later. During the liberation of the region, special orphanages were established for orphans who had lost their parents during the battles in Stalingrad and the region and had survived the occupation. Juvenile delinquency, which had manifested itself during the first months of street fighting in Stalingrad, was no longer so high after the liberation. Despite the fact that the “children's front” became a place where various initiatives and endeavors emerged, the acute shortage of resources hampered the restoration of the material base of children’s institutions. The use of methods of work with children, developed in the pre-war period, contributed to the strengthening of educational work with children.

URL: https://rs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1720256735.pdf
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5. Nikita V. Chernushenko
The Rzhev Battle in the Historical Memory of Modern Russian Society

Russkaya Starina. 2024. 15(1): 48-62.
DOI: 10.13187/rs.2024.1.48CrossRef

For a long time, the USSR preferred not to talk about the Battle of Rzhev – one of the most difficult battles of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War. Entire generations of Soviet citizens did not even know about one of the bloodiest and cruelest battles of the entire war, because the events of the "Rzhev meat grinder" were practically not reflected in mass culture. Over the past 15 years, the Russian government has made efforts to preserve the memory of the exploits of Soviet soldiers and civilians who took part in the Battle of Rzhev. On the territory of a number of subjects of the Russian Federation the installation of monuments was carried out, search expeditions were organized to immortalize the dead soldiers of the Western and Kalinin fronts, excursions to the places where the main offensive operations of the Battle of Rzhev were unfolded, etc. were conducted. The article studies the peculiarities of the formation of images of the Battle of Rzhev in literature, art and memorial culture of the Soviet and Russian periods. In this paper we analyzed works of fiction, films, as well as media publications about memorial culture objects and related commemorative practices that consolidate the representations of the Battle of Rzhev in the public consciousness.

URL: https://rs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1720125441.pdf
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6. Elizaveta N. Sedakova
Review: Study and Preservation of Historical Necropolises: Proceedings of the 2nd Regional Scientific and Practical Conference. Ed. V.A. Ageeva. Rostov-on-Don: Publishing and Printing Complex of the Russian State University of Economics, 2023. 272 p.

Russkaya Starina. 2024. 15(1): 63-68.
DOI: 10.13187/rs.2024.1.63CrossRef

The review examines the proceedings of the 2nd Regional Scientific and Practical Conference “Study and Preservation of Historical necropolises”, which was held on October 26–27, 2023 at the A.P. Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch) of the Russian State Economic University. The articles, for convenience of consideration, are divided by the reviewer into thematic groups: 1) archaeological study of burials and necropolises – 7 articles; 2) historical study of necropolises – 7 articles; 3) lost or disappearing necropolises – 4 articles; 4) culture of burials – 3 articles; 5) the role of cemeteries in the society – 3 articles; 6) modern technologies in the field of funeral services – 1 article. There are 25 reports in total. Thanks to new approaches and plots, field research, used by the authors of the reports, as well as documents and illustrative material introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, the proceedings makes it possible to significantly expand the information field on necropolystics. The publication is intended for historians, archaeologists, museum workers, university teachers and students, as well as all readers interested in this topic.

URL: https://rs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1720182805.pdf
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URL: https://rs.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1720256641.pdf
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